Zero compromise
This amp is the quintessence of 40 years of work and research in high-end electronics
in a brand new design, both cosy and contemporary.

Volume: Remote control and front panel
Volume display on the front panel
Power 2 x 80W/ 8 Ohms
Input sensibility: 1v
RCA input asymetric connectors
Eight high currents Sanken outputs bipolar transistors
Current and voltage regulators for each channel
The dual mono configuration contributes to create focus, space and depth
Large main supply possibility from 180 to 250 V, 50 to 60 Hz
Individual bypass film capacitors for each transistor
Double ultra soft recovery bridge rectifier
Wide frequency response voluntarily limitated to 50Khz
High resolution internal wiring
Custom made torroïdal transformers
No output rela
Class B biais
Two line input (enable in most cases to skip the use of a preamp)
All unnecessary components banished from the signal path
Plug in modules for quick maintenance and upgrade when technology evolves
70µm thickness printed circuit board use for amplifiers modules
Absolute minimum of internal wiring
H 21 cm x D 42 cm x W 48,5 cm
Weight 30Kg
Floating boards system to prevent from parasite noisy vibrations.